Hey everyone! Dice Addiction is excited to announce that the Dragon Ball Super Card Game Large Store Regional Event is back for its second round! This time, Dice Addiction’s Large Store Regional Event will be held on Sunday, September 26th! Signups will begin today and prizing information can be found below! We can’t wait to host this event for our local Dragon Ball Super community and the regional community as a whole! If you have any questions about this event, you can message us on our Facebook or give us a call at 918-932-8226! See you all soon!
Pre-Register NOW!!!
You must Sign up in store or through our website at www.diceaddiction.com. ONLY 64 Spots Available!!!
September 26th, 2021
Time: 10am – Check in begins at 10am. Players will have round one pairings at 11am.
Format: Constructed.
Entry: $30
Player Cap: 64
Location: Dice Addiction Games & More – Located at 4622 E. 11th Street Tulsa, Oklahoma
Parking: There is parking in the back lot of the store or the lot west of the store near the church.
Round info: Best of 3. 60 min rounds. Swiss. No Top Cut.
All players will receive
– A pair of “Tank the Dragon” Dice
– Championship Pack 2021 Vol.3 x4
– Event Pack 08 x2
Top Cut:
– Championship Pack 2021 Vol.3 x3
– Event Pack 08 x2
– Alt Art Card Set 2021 Vol.3 x1
Second Place Invite Certificate *requires 64 participants
First Place Invite Certificate *requires at least 32 participants
This is the minimum prize support that will be given out. We will add additional booster pack prize support as players enter the event.